Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

As I was reviewing this bio meets resume that I created for a client, I was so surprised to catch myself thinking, Damn! I sound like I really know what I’m talking about! Ha! And then it hit me – why should I be surprised to see on my OWN resume that I have a lot of...
Logo Creation 101

Logo Creation 101

Just a little marketer in the making! Today’s lesson was Logo Creation 101 on Biggest thing to remember is to let your logo speak for itself so with one small image, people know what you are all about. Bet you can’t guess where Jack’s passion lies! If...
Instagram Stories vs Posts

Instagram Stories vs Posts

Instagram Stories vs Posts You know how there’s that person that you met MONTHS ago and they’ve told you their name abazillion times, but you stiiiillll can’t remember it? And now it’s awkward because you see them allthe time and you obviously...
My CoWorkers

My CoWorkers

So every day my facebook business page gives me little suggestions of what to post. Today it said to “post a picture of your coworkers.” Given the fact that I am self-employed and work from home, “coworkers” in the traditional sense don’t necessarily apply here. So...
Getting My Office Ready

Getting My Office Ready

This post literally has nothing to do with marketing or fundraising or anything you will learn from it other than two things: If you want to be happy and have lots of ideas coming to you when you are working, choose YELLOW!!!!Even if it doesn’t seem like...
Roadtrips and Retrospectives

Roadtrips and Retrospectives

Road Trips and Retrospectives Omg it felt like getting to travel across the globe just driving to Omaha today, that’s how excited I was to get out of the office for a real in-person visit with Down Syndrome Alliance of the Midlands! Gosh it’s been a long time! Did a...