As I was reviewing this bio meets resume that I created for a client, I was so surprised to catch myself thinking, Damn! I sound like I really know what I’m talking about! Ha!
And then it hit me – why should I be surprised to see on my OWN resume that I have a lot of experience? Why is it that my natural inclination (or maybe a lot of other people’s too?) is to believe that there is always someone else out there who has more experience, is more qualified, will do a better job…and the list goes on.
I don’t know. But thanks to some amazing women who believed in me, I decided it was time to believe in myself too and get over my worries. So, I started this business. And 10 months into it, I regret nothing. Is it always easy being my own boss? NOPE! But it’s sure fun learning what works and what doesn’t and knowing that it’s all because of decisions I’ve made.
So for today’s #FreeTipFriday, I just say, “Believe in yourself.” Whether you are wondering if you are making the right business decision or worrying if you are doing this mom/dad-thing right – just believe in what’s inside. Because, trust me, you’ve got what it takes.