Today’s blog is from the incredibly talented, Sara Racicot. While she is part of the growing team of Mary Catherine Marketing, she is also the Youth Ministry Director at St. Joseph’s Church in Lincoln, NE, has her own graphic design business, called Dandelion Eyes Studio, AND is a wife and mother to two beauuuutiful little boys. She has a passion for illustrating and design and with her Masters in Theology, she is the perfect person on the team to tackle anything that has to do with Catholicism. Enjoy her story of the creation of a March Madness infographic for the University of Nebraska’s St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center.
– Mary

Whether it was during college, the day I got married, or seeing many of my former students find a home within their great community, the University of Nebraska’s Newman Center has always been a special place in my own life. So, when I was given the opportunity to help highlight all the amazing things going on there, just during the month of March, I was delighted. It felt like a great way to tell a story that needs to be shared, and communicate to families, donors, prospective students, and more what the Newman Center really is and has been for so many-a gateway to a radical encounter with Christ.
I was sent the statistics that showed the amazing number of students who attended a Mission Trip to Mexico City, the thousands of students who attended Mass on Ash Wednesday, and the students who attended a Koinonia, a life changing retreat offered to college students. Seeing these numbers, I wanted to create something that would highlight the amount of students engaging their faith in college through the ministry of the Newman Center.
I tried to stick with their general color schemes to keep it connected to the University of Nebraska, and used icons to represent what I see each opportunity representing. For the Mission Trip-planes to represent taking the faith abroad. For the retreat-flames representing students seeking an environment for new ignition of the fire of zeal and conversion. For the Ash Wednesday Masses-people to represent souls showing up for their own faith and participating in the sacrament.
I ended the infographic with a tag about how diverse the involvement of the students have been in their involvement in just the month of March alone. Overall, it was a great joy to have the chance to help design this piece in order to spread the message that the Newman Center is continuing to respond to its mission to serve students and bear fruit in the Church.
Sara Racicot
Dandelion Eyes Studios